Quality Hotel Arlanda XPO –A complete transformation, a complete welcome
What do you want to achieve and how can we make it happen? The dialogue between Explore Arlandastad and Quality Hotel Arlanda XPO has seen that one simple question become a shared goal. The once awkward floor plan was redesigned, the number of rooms was increased, the main entrance was moved to a more welcoming location. The result? Quality Hotel Arlanda XPO is fully integrated into the heart of Scandinavian XPO and offers guests that bit more.
The colour scheme, materials, design, lighting, and flow: everything has been carefully thought through to give guests and visitors an impression of coherence from the moment they walk in.

– It’s gone incredibly well, thanks to our shared commitment throughout the whole process. We’ve woven together Scandinavian XPO and the hotel in a way that gives hotel guests, conference guests, and visitors a complete experience and the warmest of welcomes, says Jessica Carlde, hotel director.
– A transformation like this in the middle of a pandemic has of course posed special challenges. But it’s sparked a great deal of interest, and I’m looking forward to a return to normal in the autumn. I’m so proud of everyone at the hotel and what we’ve created here, and we can’t wait to host people and meetings.
Build unique, build sustainable
A striking milestone seen from the E4 motorway, the hotel’s exterior has been transformed with vast new windows. The hotel, which remained open throughout the expansion and renovations, has used cutting-edge modular construction innovations to unique effect. It was built room by room at Isolamin’s factory in Överkalix in the far north, and delivered as finished room modules to Explore Arlandastad. In the space of just a few months, hundreds of custom-built rooms were delivered for installation on site in Arlandastad. In terms of climate impact and sustainability, this way of building has a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating, meaning that overall the environmental performance is extremely high.

– Things couldn’t be easier! Our collaboration with Explore Arlandastad is ideal. We share an ambition to offer people a memorable destination experience which they’ll gladly repeat, says Jessica Carlde, who is especially struck with the hotel’s restaurant Brasserie X, which combines Nordic traditions with the relaxed atmosphere of a French brasserie. The menu showcases tasty, unpretentious food prepared simply and well.

She would like to see even more restaurants, experiences, leisure activities, and entertainment ventures try life at Explore Arlandastad.
– The location is optimal, and I believe in collaborating as together we’ll have a real pull. Guests and meeting-goers today want to do more than just meet. They want variety; they want freedom of choice. And I can see Explore Arlandastad is attracting people who live in the region.