Explore Arlandastad Area 5

An up-tempo area full of life and movement. Its large spaces are what make it a major venture offering a wide range of experiences. And this is where we are investing in F60 Företagspark – our business park. 

Area 5 has some of Drivelab Stockholm, the training and events hub for the automotive industry.Sweden’s most modern test track, Drivelab Test Track 1, attracts visitors from all over the world’s automotive industry are guaranteed to complete training, product launches and events on site. There is also Drivelab Test Track 2, which is specifically designed for rescue service emergency vehicles. And of course the biggest of all: Drivelab BIG, the test track for the heavy vehicle industry.

Just like the other Explore Arlandastad areas, cluster thinking frames our development of Area 5. Our ambition? To develop all the spaces it might offer for meetings, exchanges, and fruitful collaborations. Which is why Area 5 was the obvious choice for F60 Företagspark – Explore Arlandastad’s business park and the perfect place for companies and people who want to meet and develop businesses and idea

Bounded by the E4 motorway and the hundreds of thousands of people who go past every day, not far from Uppsala and Stockholm and only a couple of minutes from the airport, F60 attracts a range of companies looking for a strong business community in a prime location. Explore Arlandastad has developed Area 5 to provide the best location and conditions for success by maximising synergies.

Area 5 – a part of Explore Arlandastad

Our areas in Explore Arlandastad

Our projects

Visionbild Explore Arlandastads Training Academy

Explore Arlandastad Training Academy

Explore Arlandastad is the ideal place for a community of sports, health, and innovation.

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Visionsbild Stadsdel 4

Explore Arlandastad Area 4

Area 4 is a larger development area in Explore Arlandastad. It has all the ingredients to be a successful communications hub for the whole of Explore Arlandastad: driverless buses, footpaths and bicycle lanes, a commuter railway station, taxi ranks, and a junction with the E4 motorway.

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Visionsbild utveckling av Drivelab BIG

Drivelab BIG is continuing to grow

When big isn’t big enough. Trucks, buses, motorhomes, and construction, forestry, and agricultural machinery. Large vehicles need lots of space! Drivelab BIG is an ideal space and carefully designed meeting place for the heavy vehicle industry.

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Invigning tunnel under E4

Infrastructure – Tunnel and main road

Careful planning and full integration – that is what’s behind Explore Arlandastad’s excellent infrastructure. The new tunnel under the E4 motorway makes for even better access. It is not only the large tunnel; the extension to our main road will soon be finished too.

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Visionsbild Drivelab Sales and Service

Drivelab Sales & Service – Phase 2

Our ever-popular Drivelab Sales & Service is an established sales and service area. We are now offering a further 9,000 square metres of success story in a prime location. The business that takes this opportunity will have every chance to tailor the premises to its own specifications.

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Visionsbild F60 Företagspark

F60 Företagspark

At F60 Företagspark you can tailor efficiently designed premises for your offices, services, and production. It is perfect for companies and their staff. It’s perfect for local and long-distance visitors.  For vehicle companies the location could not be better, and for airport service companies it’s unbeatable. There is plenty of space to think big here!

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Bake My Day vision picture of the fasade of the bakery

Bake My Day

The best recipe for success? The right location, tailor-made premises and strong teamwork.

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Visionsbild Scandinavian XPO och Quality Hotel Arlanda XPO

Explore Arlandastad Area 1 –  City Centre

Area 1 is a larger development area in Explore Arlandastad. Area 1 is the centre of Explore Arlandastad and the place where most businesses and visitors first meet.

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Rum från Stockholm Hotel Apartments Arlanda XPOmed trägolv, säng, köksbord för två och en fotölj

Stockholm Hotel Apartments – Extended stays

Stockholm Hotel Apartment is a natural extension of Explore Arlandastad's high-quality accommodation offerings.

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Autonom fullstor buss i närbild

Completed pilot study on autonomous large electric buses

Together with RISE, Vy, Adastec and Applied Autonomy, Arlandastad Group has started a unique project with full-size autonomous buses in Explore Arlandastad. The goal is to investigate the conditions for introducing full-size autonomous buses for commercial traffic between Arlandastad and Stockholm Arlanda Airport.

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